Paragraphs is where you build the HTML version of a resource. This is the Text paragraph style. See Sample Campaign Page to see other paragraph style options.

(When linking to another page on, use the node number. E.g. /node/25066.)

The "Download (Private)" field explained

Download Private

Excerpt from Katie's email dated 2/21/2018:

Mark put this new field in place to fix the issue we were seeing with URLs of uploaded files still working after the node was unpublished. By using this "Download (Private)" field, the file that is uploaded won't be accessible if the resource is unpublished.

  • If you need to unpublish a resource please save the file, remove it from the "Download" field and upload it to the "Download (Private)" field 
  • If you create a new resource please use upload the file to the Download (Private) field

Level 1 Heading

Level 2 Heading

Level 3 Heading
Level 4 Heading