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Case Study Thumbnail: GORE® Performance Membranes for Gas Sensors

An improved yield rate, greater reliability in gas detection, and increased sensor lifespan: Learn how Gore supported a leading company for gas sensor solutions in upgrading their sensor portfolio and successfully entering new markets.

GORE® GTI improves action-cameras’ performance

How to extend runtime without increasing size or lowering a device’s performance? We have an answer: Learn how GORE® Thermal Insulation added runtime to a 4K action camera while keeping its original size.

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Synergizing Expertise: The Success Story of Gore and Endress+Hauser. Endress+Hauser stands as a beacon in the field of measurement instrumentation, recognized globally for their extensive services tailored to industrial process engineering. With their company’s history spanning over seven decades, their expertise in key areas such as flow, level, pressure, analytics, and digital communications positions them as a trusted ally across diverse industries.

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In the face of growing environmental concerns and more stringent regulations, the detection of greenhouse gases like methane has become a valuable asset in fighting climate challenges. 

Transforming Smartwatch Standards with GORE<sup>®</sup> Acoustic Vents

When brands design their products for a younger audience, they must create a portfolio that features all relevant functionalities while still being affordable. This is the story of how a Chinese company achieved just that with the help of Gore technology.

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Does your Headlamp Design Delay Condensation Clearing?

Toyota case study powertrain

Learn why Toyota Motor Corporation chose to partner with GORE® Automotive Vents when other venting solutions could not meet Toyota’s performance requirements for a new e-axle containing lubricated gears and a higher-voltage e-motor. This Case Study outlines the associated challenges, solution and results — including an on-time product launch for Toyota.

GORE® Protective Membrane for Cutting-Edge Gas Sensors

Partnering for Innovation: Gore and Infineon Take Gas Detection Sensors to a New Level. Learn how Gore technology added the final touch to fully unleash the potential of Infineon’s cutting-edge photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) for CO2 detection. Discover how joined efforts achieved a sensor response time nearly cut in half, paving the way for a new range of applications.

Conquer Particle Contamination with GORE<sup>®</sup> MEMS Protective Vents

A reduced return rate, a secured market position and an improved production process: Learn how a leading brand for TWS earbuds achieved all this with the help of Gore’s venting solutions.

Mastering Complexity in the Evolution of Smartphones

In order to maintain optimal acoustic performance in ever-evolving smartphones, manufacturers need to excel in complexity. Discover how a leading tech company secured their share in the market by mastering this challenge and learn how Gore empowered them to do so.