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GORE® Protective Membrane for Cutting-Edge Gas Sensors

Partnering for Innovation: Gore and Infineon Take Gas Detection Sensors to a New Level. Learn how Gore technology added the final touch to fully unleash the potential of Infineon’s cutting-edge photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) for CO2 detection. Discover how joined efforts achieved a sensor response time nearly cut in half, paving the way for a new range of applications.



Product Information for GORE® Protective Vents and GORE® Performance Membranes

Find out which specific GORE Protective Vents or GORE Performance Membranes you need for your gas sensor solutions.

Informazioni di prodotto per sistemi di protezione e sfiato GORE® e membrane GORE® Performance

Scopri di quali sistemi di protezione e sfiato GORE® e membrane GORE® Performance hai bisogno in particolare per le tue soluzioni con sensori di gas.

Informations produit pour les évents GORE® Protective Vents et les membranes GORE® Performance Membranes

Trouvez les évents GORE Protective Vents ou les membranes GORE Performance Membranes adéquats pour vos solutions de détection de gaz.

Información sobre los productos Elementos de ventilación GORE® Protective Vents y Membranas GORE® de alto rendimiento

Averigüe cuáles elementos de ventilación GORE Protective Vents o membranas GORE de alto rendimiento necesita para sus soluciones de sensores de gas.

Produktinformationen zu GORE® Protective Vents und GORE® Performance Membranes

Finden Sie heraus, welche GORE® Protective Vents oder GORE® Performance Membranes Sie für Ihre Gassensorlösungen benötigen.

Soluzioni Gore per sensori di gas: gamma, servizi e partnership.

Scoprite quali specifici sistemi di protezione e sfiato GORE®, GORE® Performance Membranes o quali innovazioni sono disponibili per i vostri sensori di gas.