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Performance Over Time

最近的一项研究表明,用户期待微波射频电缆组件优质耐用;然而,超过75%的用户却要经常更换其组件,造成这些组件失效的最常见原 因是安装或运行期间的损坏问题。根据电缆组件更换的频率,一台设备在其系统有效使用期内因此产生的直接成本最高达到250,000美元,而且这尚未计入因生产计划延误、劣质产品或重新测试和校准等问题所造成的间接成本。

Type 0N For High Density Test/Interconnection

戈尔最新的高密度测试互联组件,设立了行业的新标准,不仅 适用于高密度、多端口射频和微波模块化仪表应用,而且适用 于对测试线缆柔性和线径有要求的高速数字测试。

图片由Keysight Technologies,Inc.提供

installation simulator design

Describes the components of Gore’s Installation Simulator that replicates the rigorous conditions a microwave airframe assembly experiences while being routed during installation in an aircraft.

Part numbers consist of 12 alphanumeric characters. The grouping of these characters has a specific meaning. The part number includes cable type, connector types, and assembly length.

Comparison Illustration

GORE® 优化型 RG400 同轴电缆产品资料;包括产品描述、特点、优点及技术规格。