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Thumbnail image of document entitled “Elevate Your EV Performance: #TAKECHARGE of Quality and Safety”

Discover how EV OEMs and component manufacturers can collaborate with Gore to address industry challenges — such as cost, range and reliability concerns — to help consumers embrace e-mobility with full confidence.

Thumbnail image of document entitled “Ready To #TAKECHARGE of Your Electric Vehicle’s Reliability? Supply Chain Weighs In”

Gore Automotive Supply Chain leaders share strategies and insights about the ways Gore’s innovative approach is helping EV industry leaders achieve a smoother transition to a more sustainable future.


了解GORE声学透气产品AVS 700和AVS 701如何增强声音监测和消噪系统中所使用的外部麦克风的性能。该产品可提供这些系统所依赖的高质量声音传输,同时在各种道路环境条件挑战中可靠地保护外部麦克风。

Quiet Places

Designed to stop the reflection of sound or electromagnetic waves, anechoic chambers are essential to today’s consumer electronics testing. Consumer Electronics Test & Development surveys some of the most silent spaces on Earth.

“Gore has been performing acoustic tests using anechoic test environments for over 20 years and more recently purchased the fully anechoic chamber to expand our measurement capability,” says Banter.

First published in the October 2022 issue Consumer Electronics Test & Development

Image of first page of data sheet

Find out how GORE® Acoustic Vents AVS 700 and AVS 701 can deliver a new level of acoustic quality, along with life-of-vehicle durability, to exterior microphones in automotive noise-canceling or traffic-sensing systems. Includes product performance characteristics and specifications.

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Find out how GORE Acoustic Vents AVS 700 and AVS 701 can enhance the performance of exterior microphones used in vehicle sound monitoring and noise cancelation systems. These vents provide the consistent high-quality sound transmission these systems rely on. At the same time, these vents reliably protect exterior microphones from challenging on-road environmental conditions.

Screenshot of video

ゴア アコースティックベントAVS700とAVS701により、車載音響モニターやノイズキャンセリングシステムに使用される車室外マイクロフォンの性能が向上することを紹介します。これらのベントは、これらのシステムに依存する安定した高品質の音響伝送を提供します。同時に、これらのベントは、厳しい路上での環境条件から車室外マイクロフォンを確実に保護します。

Image of Acoustic Datasheet Electronics JP

GORE® アコースティックベントAVS700とAVS701は、車載用ノイズキャンセリングシステムや交通量検知システムの車外マイクに、新しいレベルの音響品質と車載用耐久性を提供いたします。製品の性能と仕様についてご紹介します。


了解GORE®声学透气产品AVS 700和AVS 701如何为汽车消噪系统或交通感应系统中的外部话筒提供全新水平的音质,以及达到汽车使用寿命的耐久性。该数据表包括产品性能特性和规范。