Quiet Places

Designed to stop the reflection of sound or electromagnetic waves, anechoic chambers are essential to today’s consumer electronics testing. Consumer Electronics Test & Development surveys some of the most silent spaces on Earth.

“Gore has been performing acoustic tests using anechoic test environments for over 20 years and more recently purchased the fully anechoic chamber to expand our measurement capability,” says Banter.

First published in the October 2022 issue Consumer Electronics Test & Development

The first page of the supplier code of conduct document.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Policies / Statements, 98.51 KB

The supplier code of conduct communicates to our suppliers our expectations related to ethical practices, human rights, environmental management and legal requirements. Gore seeks to develop and strengthen its business relationships based on a shared commitment to collaboration and mutual respect.


Join Us at Precisiebeurs 2022

Clean Gore cables & assemblies: Made for lithography. Made for you. Gore’s custom-configured static and high-flex cables & cable assemblies are designed, engineered and manufactured to meet the lithography industry’s toughest standards for durability, outgassing performance, cleanliness and flexibility. We look forward to seeing you at Precisiebeurs 2022.


W. L. Gore & Associates Exhibiting at TIDES Europe

Gore is exhibiting at this year’s TIDES Europe Conference, and you’re invited to visit our stand, where we’ll be showcasing the benefits of GORE® LYOGUARD® Freeze-Drying Trays. Chat with Gore representatives and see how our freeze-drying trays protect both pharmaceutical products and operator safety.

Technical Note: Reverse flow cycles at higher flow rates with the GORE® Protein Capture Device with Protein A

This technical note demonstrates that the GORE® Protein Capture Device (GPCD) PROA201 is capable of reverse flow cycles up to 30srt flow rates to facilitate air expulsion without significant impact to column operating pressure, flow characteristics and binding capacity.

three people looking at a board of vehicle diagrams

Learn how a single material can transform lives, electrify the world, and make it more sustainable in a conversation with Enze Chen, our global strategic marketer for alternative energy and storage.

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