Press Release

GORE-SELECT® Membranes Support Sunrise Power's Vehicle Fuel Cell Stack In More Than 5000 Hours of Reliable Operation

Posted May 15, 2018

Gore has been chosen as the key supplier of proton exchange membranes for the Sunrise Power HYMOD®-300 vehicle fuel cell stack.

Tripled Airflow Eradicates  Speaker Distortion

A Case Study on GORE® Pressure Vents in a Smartphone

Learn how we eliminated speaker distortion and improved sound quality by achieving superior pressure equalization.

Optimized Design Improves  Robustness and Reliability

A Case Study on GORE® Pressure Vents in a Smartphone

Learn how design enhancements of our pressure vents improved the robustness and reliability of a phone by preventing water ingress.

Quick and Easy Solution Averts Commercial Sales Stoppage

Learn how we provided a global player in audio products with an efficient solution to minimize a lengthy commercial sales stoppage of wireless headphones.

Improved Waterproofing and Optimized Acoustic Performance

A Case Study on GORE® Acoustic Vents in a Smartphone

Improved Airflow  Eliminates Speaker Distortion

A Case Study on GORE® Pressure Vents in a Smartphone

Learn how we solved the speaker distortion problems of a Chinese smartphone OEM, sampled products, and ramped up mass production - all within one month.

Gore Expertise Provides Yield Loss Reduction

A Case Study on GORE® Acoustic Vents in a Smartphone

Learn how our engineers and our product model GAW333 prevented potentially catastrophic consequences of acoustic inconsistency. 

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