There are a variety of different factors that need to be taken into account before we are able to recommend a packaging vent that it is suitable for your application. Key considerations include, but are not limited to: chemical composition of the packaged material, temperature fluctuations, altitude changes, and many more. To find out which vent is right for your application, please contact us.

The first GORE Packaging Vents were successfully used to ventilate hazardous goods over thirty years ago, particularly for peroxides and their formulations. Since then, the product range has been continually improved and adapted to meet a variety of requirements.

Some common end-use applications for our hydrophobic venting products are: dry products, powders and tablets, pool bleach, pool shock and products containing: bleach and water, disinfectants, hydrogen peroxide, and water.

Some common end-use applications for our oleophobic vents include: household or industrial cleaners, pesticides, liquid fertilizers, scented bleaches, and products containing: alcohols, degreasers, detergents, essential oils, fragrance, oils, solvents; and surfactants.
