We have a range of advanced venting technologies that can improve condensation management in your headlamps – and anywhere else it’s threatening your automotive exterior lighting.

Find out all the ways our solutions can help you save time, money, and on-the-job frustrations:

Cloudy, foggy, streaky headlamps are a smear on your premium brand image, and a huge source of frustration for customers who expected more from you…and who feel they should not have to spend their time to solve your problem…even if it is covered by the warranty.

Gore has venting technologies to effectively manage headlamp condensation — before it becomes a problem for your customers, or for you.

When headlamp condensation builds up, warranty claims quickly pile up. That can take a lot out of your bottom line, to say nothing of the time and costs involved in troubleshooting and finding a permanent solution to that problem.

Gore has the solutions you need to make your bottom line healthier, and to achieve a rapid, reliable resolution to your condensation problems.

The worst part of headlamp condensation is not what you see on the lenses… it’s the hidden damage that can crop up if condensation corrodes electrical contacts, which could degrade component performance, reliability and longevity.

Gore has the condensation management solutions that can help your parts maintain the performance-life you designed for.

When headlamp condensation bogs down your validation testing – or even sends you back to re-design — it puts a real dent in your development schedules and cost projections. And in a worst case, product-launch deadlines could be at risk.

Gore condensation management solutions are validated and field-proven — and backed by Application Engineers who will partner with you on your toughest challenges.

When headlamp condensation “management” consists of long torturous paths, they can limit design freedom, compromise aesthetics, and stifle styling innovation. But limited technologies should not limit design flexibility.

Gore’s diverse condensation management solutions can offer you more design options, and more flexibility when you need to balance performance and styling.

More about GORE® Automotive Vents

Our technologies have led the way in venting automotive exterior lighting across global platforms, for decades. We were first to introduce condensation management to venting products…a technology we’ve continued to advance.

Today, we’re continuing to develop new solutions to advance condensation management in your high-value headlamp assemblies. 

Our solutions also protect assembly integrity, by blocking ingress of liquids and contaminants, and rapidly equalizing the pressure imbalances that stress seals.

Contact us to learn more about managing headlamp condensation.
Call +49 89 4612 2211 or email us using the form below.

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