Visit GORE at BioProcess International in San Diego
March 11, 2024 - March 14, 2024
San Diego, CA

Join W. L. Gore & Associates for BioProcess International US West, to access today's innovative strategies and technologies designed to improve process efficiencies and maintain product quality across all phases of bioprocessing.
As one of the event sponsors, Gore invites you to join us at the Town and Country Resort, San Diego,
Booth #403 to:
- Find out how you can capture more mAbs in less time.
- Discover a more robust option for handling, storing and transporting bulk drug substances after freezing.
Attend our presentation

Reducing Risk in the Biomanufacturing cold chain: The Durable Primary Packaging Solution
Joe Cintavey
Tuesday, March 12th 11:30am-12pm
As more and more therapies require temperatures down to and below -80 degrees Celsius, the need for primary containers that can maintain integrity throughout the cold chain has become more critical than ever. Testing and data will be presented that demonstrates that primary containers have a range of failure modes even when protective secondary packaging is utilized. Understanding these failure modes and ensuring primary packaging is validated for cold chain application (such as Frozen Impact Durability, Freeze/ Thaw cycle, Long-Term Frozen Storage and shipping and distribution testing) allows end users to minimize the potential for integrity problems during high volume production.
Visit our booth #403
Capture more mAbs in less time
The GORE® Protein Capture Device with Protein A can improve productivity in affinity purification of monoclonal antibodies. With higher binding capacity at shorter residence time than agarose bead-based technologies, these Devices can reduce overall process time to improve throughput and yields.
Choose a more robust option for cold-chain storage
GORE® STA-PURE® Flexible Freeze Containers offer robust protection for drug substances during cold-chain handling, storage and transport. Their strength and durability plus high purity with low extractables means less risk of losing high-value pharmaceuticals if an accident happens.
Don’t miss our Poster Session
Building a Fully Single-Use Process: High Productivity Protein A Membrane Devices that Complement Disposable Upstream Technology
An intensified and fully single use downstream operation was demonstrated to process a monoclonal antibody cell culture harvest at a manufacturing scale. Critical quality attributes established with incumbent resin purification were met and scaling from lab scale devices was demonstrated. The results of the study were combined with previously published data to show the potential for high productivity affinity capture sufficient up to 10 g/L titers at the 2000 L scale.
Have a question?

All Gore products for life sciences are manufactured specifically for use in medical or pharmaceutical settings and comply with regulations our customers may require. Depending on those requirements, you will find products manufactured under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), ISO 13485, ISO 15378, and/or regulations for food contact.