FAQ for GORE® REMEDIA® Catalytic Filtration Systems

FAQ, United States
See answers to frequently asked questions about Catalytic Filtration Systems.
What are the temperature specifications for the REMEDIA Catalytic Filter System?
The continuous operating temperature range is 180° to 260°C, allowing for temporary surges to 274°C. Operation below 180°C is possible for certain applications. Contact Gore for more information.
Do I have to change the air-to-cloth ratio (filter velocity) that I am currently using in my baghouse?
If your air-to-cloth ratio is below 1.2 m/min (4 ft/min), then no change is necessary. If it is above 1.2 m/min (4 ft/min), then a system evaluation will be necessary to ensure that excessive velocity abrasion or lift velocity will not damage the filters or cause high differential pressures.
What is the expected life of the REMEDIA Catalytic Filter System?
Product life consists of both chemical and mechanical aspects. On the chemical side, our catalyst suppliers have provided data indicating that their catalysts have lasted up to ten years in the industrial processes where the REMEDIA Catalytic Filter System is being used. Moreover, based on our historical data, we are applying catalysts designed to meet the needs of specific industrial processes. This should optimize the chemical life of the catalyst in specific applications.
An expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) fiber is inherently very strong and chemically inert. With nearly 30 years of ePTFE filtration experience behind us, we feel confident that the REMEDIA Catalytic Filter System will not fail mechanically within five years.
How do you recommend disposing of the REMEDIA filters after use?
In general, your plant's normal procedure for filter disposal should be followed. Since the catalyst is an integral part of the felt, the catalyst itself has no way of escaping from the filter. The characterization of the filter as nonhazardous versus hazardous waste is governed by the dust on the filter, not by the catalyst itself. This has been proven through rigorous EPA-mandated tests.
Does the REMEDIA filter selectively destroy certain PCDD/F isomers and not others?
The REMEDIA Catalytic Filter System is not selective; it destroys all toxic PCDD/F isomers.
What is the resistance of the REMEDIA filter under acidic and alkaline conditions?
The ePTFE substrate is chemically inert so it has excellent resistance to both acidic and alkaline environments. The catalyst has been shown to resist poisoning in severe chemical environments. Please contact Gore for details as they apply to your application.
How much does the REMEDIA Catalytic Filter System cost?
In terms of total cost of ownership, the REMEDIA Catalytic Filter System is less expensive than an activated carbon injection system. The cost is dependent on the application size, dioxin removal requirement, and operating conditions. To obtain cost information for your project, please contact us.
Not for use in food, drug, cosmetic or medical device manufacturing, processing, or packaging operations.